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Standard Pay Entries

Standard Pay allows the user to view standard pay entries and enter permanent transaction before opening and processing pays

You can enter permanent transactions when you want an employee to receive the same transaction every pay. Permanent transactions have the following features:

The main benefits of using Permanent transactions are:

When you open a pay, permanent transactions are automatically copied into the current pay, for employees.

The following functions are available:

  1. Configuration to Import Standard Pay in pay
  2. Generate Standard Pay
  3. Maintain Standard Pay

1. Configuration to Import Standard Pay in pay

To import Standard Pay Entries in pay, setup the configuration : "Payroll -> Payrun Type -> Include "Standard Pay" entries when creating a pay." 

Note: When importing "Standard Pay" entries for employees that are on "Timesheet", the Time entry paycodes (ANHRS,ADHLF,ADTIM & APHOL) do not flow into the pay. These are imported from Timesheets .

2. Generate Standard Pay

To enable "Generate Standard Pay" button, assign security access to menu: HR238-1 - Can "Generate Standard Pay" in menu "Employee Profile -> Employee Pay Setup"

Steps to generate "Standard Pay":

  1. Tick the box to select the employee
  2. Click on "Generate Standard Pay" button

The following entries are created when generating "Standard Pay":
 Paycode  Description  Quantity  Rate
 ANHRS  Normal Hours  Hours Per Pay  Hourly Rate
 Super  Super paycodes are added based on the superannuation setup    
 Tax  Tax paycodes are added based on the tax scale setup    
 Banking  Banking paycodes are added based on the Pay Scheme setup    

3. Maintain Standard Pay

  1. Assign security access to menu: "HR328-6 - Employee Pay Setup -> Standard Pay Entries"
  2. Add/Edit the record
  3. Enter the following details:
      Field  Description
     Paycode Refer to Paycode Maintenance
     Reference  Reference Number of the paycode
     Territory Automatically populated from the Employee's position
     Branch Automatically populated from the Employee's position
     Cost Centre  Automatically populated from the Employee's position
     Quantity  Enter the amount for the transaction
     Rate Code  Select rate code to use. Applicable to paycodes with "Use Employee Rate" flag turned on.

Figure 1: Standard Pay